Beyond the cockpit

Discover what “exponential” really means – how fast the world is changing and how fighter pilots methods can help you keep up.

Switch to a continuous improvement mindset. Create value everyday with your team and turn D.briefing into a habit. Take control of your mindset and apply the step by step methodology.

Performed in French (available in English)

Turn Stress Into an ally

Landing on a boat at night is stressful. So is getting shot at in combat. Learn the technics used by fighter pilots to perform at their best and take good decisions everyday on the battlefield.

This keynote focuses on mental preparation and anticipation and the audience will leave with tools that they can apply right away in their everyday life.

Supersonic leadership and followership

In a combat patrol the job of the followers, the wingmen, is extremely difficult. Let’s look at the flight leaders and wingmen golden rules and how they can help in the corporate world.

Performed in English (available in French)